Letter #176.4
Hello again, you beautiful creature!
How long has it been since the last time we wrote to each other?
Have you been eating good food lately? I heard they got great food over there.
I’d love to visit you sometime.
Though I’ve been visiting you in my dreams more often than not, I hope I can see you soon.
Well, I have something to tell you, and it’s great news, I hope.
So, I’ve found love again!!!
I know, I know. It’s nothing new, but this time I feel new.
I feel like I can do it this time. I can love without any hesitations whatsoever.
You may be familiar with the concept or have only gotten a few glimpses, but that’s fine.
So yeah, I wanted you to know so you could rest easy.
Still, I won’t promise I won’t make some silly mistakes,
because love, as you know, tends to make fools of us all.
But enough about me.
Like I said, I want you to hear the whole story in person.
I can’t wait to hear back from you.
Please be great, just like you always are.
Fatally yours.